Sámánok világa

"In the beginning was the Big World, Dream World without dreams. In this world ruled Tengrin. Tengrin that this world was boring. Split has divided itself Tenrgire the Creator God and Umar in Ősanyára, a source who is all things. He both created the spirits . The Earth is actually the spirits abode, and we are only guests here Uman and Tengrinek born two children. Ulgen wind, storms, the sources of the rivers and the future of the God of the brothers would be dissuaded (Erlin) last God of all. which is bound to tradition, the binds teamed back four of us and began creation of the world. He created the stars, the planets, the whole universe, and finally. Earth. inhabit plants, animals, and finally decided that people should be created. They realized that someone has to look after this man, give him souls. Then midegyikük a piece of his soul into it, but it was not enough. Then they teamed up and created a special soul, my dream. Every man, every night this Álomlélekbe return home. The Dream, who look after the ramp up, and he who gives you the opportunity to manifest on Earth. The Dream Spirit of Mystery Shamans. The Dream is reality. "Tunguska said creation, the formulation of Zoltan Bács

The Hungarian said many people are familiar with the world Táltos cause or shamans, but who they were and what they represented?

First, let's look at the way in which the former was built Hungarians. At the top we find two men had both a physical and a sacred king. The physical person of the king was still unknown, however, the sacred king, no one ever knew what kind of public office-holders, who have only discovered it after his death. During the king is sacred rank of the Shaman. It was always a Shaman and his person, his office has also been known. He was not about the requirement, families Shaman bases, and he alone knew the sacred person of the king. Shaman never inaugurated, could only be born as a Shaman. The new shaman, always called the old man on his deathbed at Shaman.

An interesting way, little changed from, but later it remained the "arrangement". In addition to the temporal king it was always someone who served as a principal consultant acting weird clothes and strange behavior. Yes, the jester. Few people know, but in Hungary the jester went in the guise of the Shaman.

A shaman who was already known, but who were the Shamans? The word shaman is not directly surname. The word itself is derived Tungus, meaning people who can. The Hungarian word bon (Boone), or Ham used the Knower humans. (Bon word later, little has changed, Sin, and later Crime fun. Why? First, because of the development of the language, on the other hand somehow had the Christian Church stamped by this belief claiming people so that they became guilty (guilty). The returning Hungarians there was no word for sin, knowing that there is no sin) But what can this man that made her become scientists? The absolute knowledge holders. He knows the life and knowledge of the death. For the random nonexistent thing. You know everything that is happening around us, reason and this reason is able to uncover.

Moreover, the nature of the Shaman priest, but was not himself a church built of stone or wood. He built himself the Father's temple and named the forest. In the forest, each tree is a miracle. A man capable of turning him anytime harmony, health, and now, can carry all our sorrows and bring joy replaced. The Shaman necessary things of everyday life can also enter the forest. If you need anything, forward calls thanking Mother Earth, takes as you need, but nothing more, and when no longer needed for that thing, returns, and thanks again.

The Shaman is able to live in harmony with nature spirits. For the earth is sacred, and you know that the forces of nature and are controlled by conscious, intelligent, able to defend themselves and regenerate.

Shamanism is a form of life. Its existence is determined by balancing the inside and the outside, the bottom and the top, and the shapeless shape of a judge, visible and invisible, good and bad. Always start with the extremes that later he might be in the middle of the walking miracle, the environment is thus capable of harmony and peace. When you feel the harmony is disturbed him retire its "built" sacred place to be able to broadcast re-balance itself. Environment also teaches how to restore the harmony of themselves in order to live a fuller life to be stronger and surer strides to pass on Earth.

All over the world displayed in the shamanic being a very important ingredient: the fire. The Shaman drum is used, and the fire will of request forwarding. The fire brings to life drum and spirit helpers, the tsentsaks.

The Shaman for existence is divided into three parts: the undermentioned world, the middle world and the world above. In the middle of the world fizikiai world who have manifested. The world undermentioned world of demons. The shaman to travel when kidnapped by the demons to reclaim the soul pieces you want in order to cure. These trips are not harmless when the Shaman is not sufficiently prepared, it is the fate of certain death on the physical level. The list of world's the world of the gods. The Shaman you travel, when strength or information you need.

When a person decides not to offer opportunities to live life and face their own destiny, it allows the Demons to take her soul one piece of a dream occasion. In this case, dark spots are formed in the soul that over time the physical body as the disease occur. Of course, this darkness can carry information in different alternative therapies, thus gradually restore the soul and the body's health, but the shaman works is much more effective method: Drop, rattle, or Jew's harp using leutazik the undermentioned world, will force the animals can help by researching the relevant Soul plays and fights the demon guarding them. This Kužel often only deal. The Shaman compromise the demon discuss it there, the undermentioned world or in the physical world at what he does in order to recover the stolen soul piece. When it comes to actual combat, not the physical level, fights taking place, but the difference in levels of consciousness.

According to Hungarian tradition, a bull's stretched at this time a blue and red flames changing in each other, and the winner, whose drops of saliva from the mouth of a raven in the fight supervisor can be spotted on the other head, and extinguished it. This struggle has already been decided to travel at the beginning, when the Shaman is not conscious to who and what skills are, then the fate of certain death because the body is not viable, and in this case the demon is not a piece of rabolhatja the soul without a soul, but the whole soul (these struggles in the Matrix. great films are patterned). The Shaman will always start on the undermentioned dark world. The light, the light disturbs the trip. Day gearing up: lights a fire sacrifice on the undermentioned world's creatures, gather strength, and when the sun went down, takes out throw, tsentsaks and start the fight.

The fact that a person becomes a shaman, not his own decision. Always Shamans of God and the Ancient Shaman Spirits decision on who to appoint Shaman. The decision of the candidate never "appeal" you have to assume this existence. In this case, the candidate is almost always a kind of shaman-patient falls into, as long as you do not choose to take the shamanism.

The solstice is celebrated every Shaman is sitting. Geniuses leaving a farewell and welcome the arrivals. That night in each case, in addition to making the sacred fire. Communion in the spirit world and the spirit of the ancestors, and wine and pipe in himself and happily, cheerfully experiencing this feast. The geniuses when glee, happy to welcome, happy to give His wonders and blessings. Similarly makes you say farewell this way, it remembers to this and reluctant to come to us next year. The Shaman for the new year starts on 1 November. October 31, sits at Samhain, meaning the Friends of the dead and the underworld antlered feast of God. December 21, this is one of the most important holiday. The reborn Festival of Lights, which we Saker Falcon bringing the light we called (it was the word "Christmas"), to the west of us called Yule (Jul) was known. 1 February Imbolc greet the Shamans who Genius of the growing light. Marcuis 21 was received Ostara who Genius of the awakening of nature. May 1 this Beltane, that is, the divine wedding, love of foliage and flowers in celebration. June 21, Halloween is a holiday special. Across the world, this time used to fire walk, jump or fire. Litha this day, that day at the height of his powers of God (Tengri) and fertility of Mother Earth (UMA) celebration. August 1st for the new bread grain and the harvest celebration, Lugnasadh period. Modra, abundance, satisfaction of the harvest, the fruit is ripening, harmony and balance a celebration scheduled for Sept. 21-fall, when it reached around the year.

A legújabbak a Sámánboltban

Dobtáska, vászonból (több méretben, folyamatosan készül)

Ára: 12000 Ft

Sámándob készítő készlet 55cm-es

Ára: 40000 Ft

Cédrusfából készült, faragott dobverő

Ára: 10000 Ft

Kőrisfából készült, faragott dobverő

Ára: 7500 Ft